The Current Situation

 [15:32] Crector: royal oceans:  How many troops do you have?

[15:33] Ced0201: ok so everything make sense

[15:36] Ced0201: I tought something was wrong with Abiram demand of peace

[15:36] Crector: Ced:  You've been doiong a good job in Everwinter, so why can't yoou do the same at youor outposts?

[15:37] Crector: Do you need help against Abiram?

[15:37] Ced0201: I just did nt know I could do the same here, that is why i said now everything make sense

[15:37] Ced0201: no he and me had a chat this morning

[15:38] Ced0201: he asked me for peace and sent me a friend request

[15:39] Crector: good

[15:39] Ced0201: asking me to stop attack, I reminded him that he started this war against me

[15:39] Ced0201: and that I was ready for peace

[15:41] Ced0201: He sent me about 3k of wood and stone and 3k coins

[15:42] Crector: So your the one sho setting the terms?

[15:42] Crector: who's

[15:45] Ced0201: about that he asked me to ask here if he could send us a peace proposal

[15:57] Crector: good

[15:57] Crector: Did he send the alliance a peace proposal or not?

[15:32] Crector: royal oceans:  How many troops do you have?

[15:33] Ced0201: ok so everything make sense

[15:36] Ced0201: I tought something was wrong with Abiram demand of peace

[15:36] Crector: Ced:  You've been doing a good job in Everwinter, so why can't yoo do the same at youor outposts?

[15:37] Crector: Do you need help against Abiram?

[15:37] Ced0201: I just did nt know I could do the same here, that is why i said now everything make sense

[15:37] Ced0201: no he and me had a chat this morning

[15:38] Ced0201: he asked me for peace and sent me a friend request

[15:39] Crector: good

[15:39] Ced0201: asking me to stop attack, I reminded him that he started this war against me

[15:39] Ced0201: and that I was ready for peace

[15:41] Ced0201: He sent me about 3k of wood and stone and 3k coins

[15:42] Crector: So your the one sho setting the terms?

[15:42] Crector: who's

[15:45] Ced0201: about that he asked me to ask here if he could send us a peace proposal

[15:57] Crector: good

[15:57] Crector: Did he send the alliance a peace proposal or not?

[16:23] Ced0201: so basically he is asking us if he can send us a proposal

[16:37] royal oceans 1: I can't seem to get an outpost. don't know why.

[16:38] royal oceans 1: Help

[16:42] royal oceans 1: Don't have enough resorses to reach out .Can't build tavern or bakeryso as to get a castilion

[16:44] royal oceans 1: I know you guys have bigger fish to fry , so don't worry bout me.........

[16:56] protectvlor: Dang I lost most of my men from starvation

[17:02] Crector: Abiram's allaince is called Royal Aragon or something like that.  I believe I can send him a peace proposal.  Don't need to waait for Lord Dracula to do it.

[17:08] Crector: Turns ouot that Abiram's allaince is not on our War List

[17:46] Crector: Good movr on that hoolywod creep

[17:47] Crector: mmove

[19:08] Crector: DavidGamer96:  You have  fires at both of your outposts and you have failed to do anything about them.  Why not?

[01:22] Crector: Set the Granary fifres to bextinguished over the next 2 hours.

[03:51] Crector: Granary fire extinguished.   Now working on the storehouse.

[06:50] Ced0201: hi everyone

[08:39] Crector: Hello Ced.  Your castle is  looking good.
