
Showing posts from February, 2023

Further Alliance Progress

 The alliance continues to rise in the rankings. [12:54] Crector: If you mean the Legendaary guy, his behavior showed that he could not be dependedn on. [13:49] SirSpatula: yeah, i agreed with that completely [15:08] royal oceans 1: on a happy note , Hello hello [15:15] Crector: Why are you so happy? [15:54] royal oceans 1: I am finally getting my knee replaced 15:56] royal oceans 1: bbl [16:26] SirSpatula: thats great man!! what happened? [16:26] SirSpatula: if you dont mind me asking. [17:26] royal oceans 1: simply put over 72 years wear and tear . Raquetball basketball swimming roofing house building I got arthrits so bad I can' keep my ballance.t [17:29] royal oceans 1: Sorry took so long to get back , Going now to eat.  Snowing in WI. in kenosha [17:30] SirSpatula: oh man. thats rough. but im excited for you. also its alright. have fun man!! [17:31] royal oceans 1: Oh yah any surgery is fun lol [17:32] royal oceans 1: still have to wait till  may 9th [17:34] royal oceans 1: he

What a legendary jerk!

 [12:04] LegendaryMdawg: hi [12:04] LegendaryMdawg: hwru [12:06] LegendaryMdawg: have you guys done the treasure election [12:07] LegendaryMdawg: can someone send me some supplies [12:08] Crector: Supplies coming right up [12:09] Crector: THurns out that he left on us. [12:10] LegendaryMdawg: oh really that sucks [12:10] LegendaryMdawg: so who is tasking over that then [12:12] LegendaryMdawg: i meant taking over not tasking my bad [12:12] LegendaryMdawg: lol [12:13] Crector: Are you going to stay with us or not? [12:14] LegendaryMdawg: why? [12:15] LegendaryMdawg: i just made a new thread check out it out [12:16] LegendaryMdawg: can you or is not open for your rank [12:18] LegendaryMdawg: so [12:18] Crector: If you're gooing to join an alliance, it neds to be a long term commitment [12:18] LegendaryMdawg: ok fine i am what makes you think i am not [12:18] LegendaryMdawg: i have played this game since 2014 man [12:18] LegendaryMdawg: relaxxxxx [12:20] LegendaryMdawg: do you even wan

Further Alliance Progress

 The Tempest Gauntlet Alliance is making further progress in the rankings.  A the alliance chat shows, its members are united in the quest for greatness. [11:49] DavidGamer96: hi [14:03] SirSpatula: hello does anyone need any soldiers because i  have way to many to handle. i would rather they didnt just got to waste so let me know. [14:04] Crector: I do. [16:12] SirSpatula: alright sick, i have about 1500. ill send about 1400 of them over [16:12] SirSpatula: also sorry for the delay, got hung up on something in real life. [16:13] Crector: I'll see what I can do with them. [16:18] SirSpatula: its not allowing me to send all of the soldiers. only those on my defense. is there anything i can do about this? [16:20] Crector: NOt that I know of....This game seems to have a number of problems like that. [16:23] SirSpatula: ok i managed to send them over. and yeah, it gets annoying. [16:27] SirSpatula: they should arrive in roughly 2 hours and 20 minutes [16:38] crowfeather: Yo [16:50] roy

The Current Situation

 [15:32] Crector: royal oceans:  How many troops do you have? [15:33] Ced0201: ok so everything make sense [15:36] Ced0201: I tought something was wrong with Abiram demand of peace [15:36] Crector: Ced:  You've been doiong a good job in Everwinter, so why can't yoou do the same at youor outposts? [15:37] Crector: Do you need help against Abiram? [15:37] Ced0201: I just did nt know I could do the same here, that is why i said now everything make sense [15:37] Ced0201: no he and me had a chat this morning [15:38] Ced0201: he asked me for peace and sent me a friend request [15:39] Crector: good [15:39] Ced0201: asking me to stop attack, I reminded him that he started this war against me [15:39] Ced0201: and that I was ready for peace [15:41] Ced0201: He sent me about 3k of wood and stone and 3k coins [15:42] Crector: So your the one sho setting the terms? [15:42] Crector: who's [15:45] Ced0201: about that he asked me to ask here if he could send us a peace proposal [15:57] Cre

Th Alliance is Moving Up in the Rankings

[21:32] Crector: We've had more than 2 alliances at wwwar with us ever since i joined up [21:32] Crector: Read the chat [05:18] Lord Dracula: Good morning, for the new ones and a reminder to the old ones, it is forbidden to attack castles of people who are already in an alliance, if they attack you talk to Crector or me so that we can talk to the leader of the aggressor alliance to settle the conflict , if the attacks are repeated, then if we attack. [05:21] Lord Dracula: Understand that each attack made can cause wars between our alliances and the first sign of retaliation is that I am the first to receive the attacks for being the leader of this alliance. Be prudent because I am tired of suffering the consequences that some cause. [05:22] Lord Dracula: Anyone who does not obey the rules of the group will be expelled immediately. [07:46] dragon24353: i need food plesle [11:18] Crector: Won't be able to send you food until later today.  How much do you need anyways? [13:27] dra