
Showing posts from January, 2023

Yet Another Short Lived War

 [11:23] Lord Dracula: Good Saturday everyone [11:47] LMN119: hi? [12:05] Crector: Hello [22:15] GodsKingdom: hello [23:15] Crector: Hello....Any questions? [05:00] Ced0201: hello everyone [07:09] Ced0201: i took revenge again on abiram [12:55] Crector: Great  I had attacked him earlier myself [15:05] Ced0201: i ve got him once more [15:46] Crector: G reat  Hopefullly that will dissuade him from further attacks [21:40] Lord Dracula: Good Eveniong [22:10] Crector: Have you seen that we have a new recruit who's ranking is even higher than mine? [22:30] Crector: Our newest recruit ChrisTheWeeb has succeeded in seixzing an unclaimed Small Monumnet, something that no other alliance that I've been involved in wit h was ever able to do. [23:56] SirSpatula: dang. and our alliance grows stronger [05:34] Ced0201: hi everyone [08:25] dragon24353: i need stone [16:10] ChrisTheWeeb: I'm retrieving the small monument that was taken from me a few minutes ago. Already sent a message to the

That War Sputtered Out

 For the moment, that war has stopped.  That has not stopped alliance chat posting [21:24] Crector: Full  load of food on its way [21:25] SirSpatula: thank you sir. [23:41] Crector: Has anyone else s een that the devsmith guy now has a bird at his place protecting him for 5,000 days? [04:44] Lord Dracula: gm [07:10] dragon24353: hi can you send me 660 rubeis i have 20 ruby that need hlaing [09:40] Lord Dracula: Sorry I don´t have thatr many [09:53] Crector: Besides,  you can't send rubies anyway [10:03] Crector: Does anyone hee need more wood? [10:04] Crector: here not hee [11:32] dragon24353: help! [11:39] dragon24353: can some one help me [12:04] Crector: What kind of help do you need? [13:10] RighteousHELLO6: Hi how are you all [17:02] SirSpatula: i was attacked twice more by pizza is bread. he has already attacked me multiple times [17:26] Crector: I'm going to lose over 150 honor and xchave my army's attack tried troops tied up all night, but I've sent my forces to

War! From the Alliance Chat

 [10:53] CeauCalu: opsss hw was afk and i saw hes castel is on fire so i think i could attack him [11:38] Lord Dracula: Someone attacked another castle and now their alliance is at war against us, whoever caused this better resolve the conflict before I expel him from the alliance, we can't afford to be at war against valuable alliances. [11:40] CeauCalu: ok sorry [11:40] Lord Dracula: The retaliation you receive from these attacks is not only against you individually but against me for being the leader of this alliance and as a consequence I have not been able to grow my castles because I am constantly being attacked. I'M GETTING TIRED OF SOLVING THE PROBLEMS THAT SOME ARE CAUSING INSTEAD OF HELPING THE ALLIANCE [11:41] Lord Dracula: There is only permission to attack those castles that have not allied with anyone yet, only those that do not belong to any alliance. [11:42] CeauCalu: sorry idk that [11:43] Lord Dracula: Crector, you are the commander at war of the alliance, I n

First Post of 2023

  [22:27] Crector: I share my info with the alliance [22:28] Crector: Nothing strange about it. [22:28] Crector: Nothing strange about it. [22:44] Lord Dracula: I ask because no body has share with the aliance, but just keep the good work, I may be in need of a right hand man Several days later: [22:27] Crector: I share my info with the alliance [22:28] Crector: Nothing strange about it. [22:28] Crector: N othing strange about it. [22:44] Lord Dracula: I ask because no body has share with the aliance, but just keep the good work, I may be in need of a right hand man [04:56] Lord Dracula: Morning [05:00] Crector: Morning [08:23] CeauCalu: g [09:31] DavidGamer96: hi [11:12] Lord Dracula: GM [11:51] Crector: H e llo all [14:11] Dark12344: HI [14:18] Dark12344: HI [14:19] Dark12344: HI [17:23] Crector: Hi Dark [19:29] Dark12344: HI [02:48] Player049266000: hi [22:27] Crector: I share my info with the alliance [22:28] Crector: Nothing strange about it. [22:28] Crector: N othing strange abou